High Street, Newport
Retail premises to let.
The property is a ground floor retail unit with a wide floor to ceiling glazed frontage that spans the width of the unit with a total floor area of 53 sq m / 570 sq ft.
The property is prominently located fronting onto High Street in the town Newport and is situated opposite the Church. Newport is an established market town in North Shropshire with a population of about 14,000 people. The town is located approximately 19 miles from the County Town of Shrewsbury and approximately 10 miles from the town of Telford.
The property is offered to let on a Tenants Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a length of 3 years.
Interested parties should make their own enquires.
The property is understood to benefit from planning consent for retail use falling within Use Class A1. The property would lend itself to a variety of a commercial uses, subject to any statutory consents.
(Not tested at the time of our inspection)
We understand that mains water, drainage and electricity are connected to the property.
To view our landlord & tenant fees, please click here
Property Overview
MISDESCRIPTION ACT 1967: Conditions under which particulars are issued: Messrs. Davies White & Perry for themselves and the vendors of the property, whose agents they are, give notice that these particulars, although believed to be correct, do not constitute any part of an off er or contract, that all statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility and are not to be relied on as statements or representations of fact and that they do not make or give any representations of fact and that they do not make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. An intending puchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MORTGAGES: Davies White & Perry are in a position to arrange a mortgage on your home purchase, in the majority of cases.