Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008
The latest guidance specifically addresses the issue of transparency of fees, including referral fees, within the estate agency sector.
An Estate Agent should disclose in plain terms:
• The price of its services, including any “compulsory” extras; and
• Where a referral arrangement exists, that exists, and with whom; and
• Where a transaction-special referral fee is to be paid, its amount; and
• Where a referral retainer exists, an estimate of the annual value of that retainer to the Estate Agent or its value per transaction; and
• Where the referral is rewarded other than by payment, an assessment of the annual value of the reward or the value of the reward per transaction
Mortgage/Financial Services
Davies White and Perry refer clients to the services of Carl Summers Financial Services and receive a referral fee of £200 (inclusive of VAT) on legal completion.
Davies White and Perry refer clients to a pre-selected and vetted panel of Alto approved conveyancers. Where a client instructs the Lawyer to proceed with the process Davies White and Perry will receive a referral fee of up to £200 on legal completion per customer/client referral. This fee is paid directly from Alto therefore the customer/client will not be billed the agent fee.